Gateway Cycling » Club News

Mid week ride 26th December 2018

From Bob D Six  of us turned up at Orsett for our Boxing day ride.We were seen off by Jon L who is still not feeling 100% so is not riding at the moment.We picked up Kenny Slowcoach at Bulphan who rode with us as far as Cranham before leaving for home.The rest of us then completed the Berwich Ponds loop and made for Thames Chase for coffee and cakes.We split up for different routes home in what can only be described as great cycling conditions,not too cold,not much wind and no rain, if this is global warming bring it on.There were quite a few other cyclists out today some of whom we recognised so obviously not everyone is suffering from yesterdays over indulgences . Hoping to see some of you on … Read entire article »

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Midweek Ride Wednesday 19th December 2018

From  Bob D. Only four riders started at Orsett today.Chris G,Alan H,Noel E set off in a slight rain shower with myself following on behind gradually dropping further back until they were out of sight up the road.Soloing out towards Bulphan was pleased to see a Greater Spotted Woodpecker and a Buzzard ,not particularly common birds in this area. Taking my usual short cut arrived at the cafe just as Vic D turned up by car followed shortly by the three riders and then Bert H, Dave R and Ivan B all by car. Usual lively chat with a festive flavor then made ready for homeward departure, unfortunately Chris had acquired a rear flat but this was sorted reasonably quickly and everyone set off for home. Alan and myself did a recce to … Read entire article »

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Gateway Christmas Lunch – 12th December 2018

Gateway Christmas Lunch – 12th December 2018

Yesterday we had our Christmas lunch at Coal House Fort. Bob D, suitably dressed in black tie attire for the occasion, had made all the arrangements, including collecting our payment, providing some liquid refreshment, getting our menu requests and passing them on to the venue. There were 19 members there, with one member not attending due to ill health. We hope you feel better soon and we see you back on the road. There was a choice … Read entire article »

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New Year’s Day ride 1st January 2019

From Jon L. New Year’s Day ride 1st January 2019 Family Recreation Ride… We live in ever changing times – but some things you can depend on and that’s the Gateway Cycling’s New Years Day ride – Tuesday 1st January 2018. Meeting by the steps of Blackshots Leisure Centre, Blackshots Lane, Grays RM16 2JU, at 09.45, depart 10.00. We head off towards the RSPB Centre at Purfleet, not on the roads but along cycle tracks/paths – at a slow steady pace. About 10.30 We’ll call in at Davy Down, Mardyke Valley,Country Park, (car park) off Pilgrims Lane, Grays RM15 5UL. If you wish – we can pick up those of you who would like to start from here. The route is mainly flat throughout and would be suitable for riders of all abilities, … Read entire article »

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Mid week ride Wednesday 28th November

From Bob D Six of us today set off from Orsett for usual jaunt around the local lanes to end up at Puddledock for early lunch. Everyone managed to get round “Crackup Corner” in Parkers Farm road safely and that was the last I saw of the other five until we met up again at the cafe.We were joined there by Jon L who arrived by car and usual chat ensued.Peter C left early for home and by the time the rest of us left a light rain had started and the wind had risen to over twenty mph. I managed to persuade the others to return via Pike lane instead of Dunnings lane thus getting a bit of shelter in the trees and avoiding the windswept open spaces of Bulphan … Read entire article »

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Christmas Get Together – a date for your diary!!!

From Frances H. Just a reminder that the Gateway Christmas get together is on Friday 7th December at the Kings Arms, Stifford Clays Road, Orsett, RM16 3LX from 7:30. As usual the first drink is on the club and there will be a buffet. Hope to see you all! PS. This is instead of Club Night on 14th December. … Read entire article »

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Midweek Ride 21st November 2018

From Bob D. Nine riders at Orsett start today. Due to certain factors the eastern route was abandoned and usual loop decided upon. As often happens a leading group were soon disappearing up the road and nine became six and three ones with myself as lanterne rouge, pardon my poor french. The weather was cold but bright and sunny, with the roads still wet and a bit greasy from yesterdays rain I set a comfortable pace and ambled along by a shortened route to the Puddle not seeing anything of the others until they arrived a little later minus Bert. It transpired he had sustained a puncture whilst on his own and had taken quite a bit of time to fix, no other incidents were reported thus far. Having taken the … Read entire article »

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Santa Ride to Hyde Hall – Sunday 23rd December

From Jeff Bell. Hi all, Christmas is coming! ? To help get us and the local community into the festive spirit there will be a Santa ride to Hyde Hall on Sunday 23rd December. (Weather permitting) Dress up as your favourite Christmas character and join in the fun! Jeff … Read entire article »

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Midweek ride Wednesday 14th November

From Bob D. Twelve riders set off from Orsett today to be joined on route by Tracy and later Andy making fourteen in all, a goodly number for this time of year.Obviously the superb weather brought the numbers up from last weeks low point of the year.As usual several small groups were spread over the route which makes for a comfortable paced ride which suited almost everyone.We were able to sit outside at the cafe as it was sunny and unseasonably warm, for refreshments and chat.THe return trip was quite hard going as an unfavorable wind had sprung up but with Keith W pulling the faster boys and Chris M pulling the rest of us a pretty fast time was made back to Orsett. Next week depending on who turns up … Read entire article »

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Mid week ride 31st October 2018

From Bob D. Ten of us started from Orsett today to be joined latter on by two more. As no one was particularly keen to venture farther afield, the usual loop was decided upon and the group of ten stayed together for most of the route which made for a very enjoyable trip. Chris G and myself did take a short cut using Sunnings lane and arrived at the Puddle slightly before the others. Peter C celebrates his birthday today and there were cheers all round for that. The sun came out for return run and those of us returning to Orsett via Bulphan kept together at a sensible pace and enjoyed the the best that cycling has to offer at this level. Sixteen of this group have now signed up for … Read entire article »

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