Gateway Cycling » Club News » A SUNDAY RIDE, 14th JANUARY 2024 TO MUCKING…


It wasn’t speed or distance we were seeking on Sunday but a steady roll along to the Mucking Wild Life Centre… Ably led by Sharon P,  nine of us left Blackshots Leisure Centre at 9.45 ish… Through The Woodside estate, King Edward Drive, and the back ways of Chadwell. Cold but comfortable and relatively mild for January. Muckingford Road and a right turn down the evocatively named Blue Anchor Lane. One time the old Blue Anchor Pub, resident for a while of retired GWC Chair, Keith Wyles and family. (A wise Chairman and all round – good guy…) If you’re reading this Keith and Gill, now in the west country; here’s wishing you all well… Keep going! (-: Along the leafless hedge rows of Church Road/Station Road and a swing left at Princess Margaret Road, through East Tilbury village and over the railway line. Up the slope and right turn to Waltons Hall Road leading to the Wild Life Centre… It was a bit busy in the café, but grouped around the tables – vistas of the Thames to the East – I can’t recall a happier or longer GWC chin wag – break, enjoying one another’s company… (-: Ride on Gateway Cycling! Departing – westward, with sunshine and clouds – homeward… Most took the road route although Terry, Phil and I took the slightly lumpy bumpy path. Alongside the railway, the expansive wildfowl lakes – always uplifting (-: on towards Coalhouse Fort. Here taking the Thameside Path towards Tilbury Fort, always inspiring, open skies, and through the clouds, shafts of sun dazzling the distant waters. The track was a little tacky in places… I took a horizontal dive but was cushioned comfortably by the river mud and sea grasses… Up and on over the sea wall passing the Fort, the fishermen at ‘The Worlds End’ and Tilbury Docks, homeward… A truly good one today folks, thanks to all for coming along, especially the photo snappers, Phil and Les – Alan, Dave, Vic, Terry and Tony. Have a great week.

Cheers! 🙂 Jon Lane.

Chris Garside

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