Gateway Cycling » Club News » Gateway Cycling AGM Reminder: Friday 12th May 7:30pm
Gateway Cycling AGM Reminder: Friday 12th May 7:30pm
Following on from the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting on 14th April, I am writing to remind all club members that the AGM has been rescheduled to:
Friday 12th May at Orsett Churches Hall.
It is of utmost importance to the running of the club that we achieve a quorum for this meeting. As mentioned in my earlier post, the Committee has now considered the matter and propose wording to modify the scale of quorum required to allow satisfactory progress of club business.
We cannot make these changes until we achieve a quorum at this coming AGM.
The amendment to the Articles of Agreement (and therefore to the club Constitution) is as follows:
The red text indicates the changes.
Filed under: Club News