Gateway Cycling » Club News » Gateway Cycling AGM: Friday 14th April 2023
Gateway Cycling AGM: Friday 14th April 2023
To be held at Orsett Churches Hall
I am writing to advise all our members that the Gateway Cycling Annual General Meeting has been scheduled for Friday 14th April at 7:30 pm and is to be held at Orsett Churches Hall.
The agenda for the AGM will follow the usual format and will include a section where any other business can be discussed. If any member would like to raise a matter in any other business, the Committee would be grateful if you could submit details in writing in order that we can include the matter on the agenda.
The following posts will become vacant at the AGM:
the current Treasurer has requested to stand down from his role and we will therefore seek volunteers to step into the role to enable Gateway Cycling to continue successfully for the next year. This is an Executive role and without the post being filled, the club will be unable to function under the requirements of its Articles of Association.
the current Webmaster is standing down after what seems like forever and is at least a decade. This role would preferably suit someone with computing / IT experience but can be carried out by a competent enthusiast.
Clothing Secretary:
the current Clothing Secretary wishes to transfer and take over the role of Events / Sporting Secretary. The Clothing Secretary role is much reduced since the ‘new’ kit providers allow individual online ordering.
Ladies Secretary:
the Ladies Secretary role is still open and would suit a club member that wishes to promote the aims and needs of the established and new female members. The intent is to make it easier for new members by organising women only rides that will introduce them to the Club, cycling in a group, cycling on the road and hopefully encourage more ladies to get on their bike.
Youth Coach:
this role would be one that requires a lot of commitment but will provide a great deal of satisfaction.
Any members wishing to consider taking on any of the committee roles can contact the existing officers, who would be more than willing to explain what is involved. The Club Officials details can be found on the club website using the following link:
Club Officials (
As a Committee, we believe that the various roles should be shared regularly by the membership to ensure that responsibilities are spread fairly and that the club benefits from new managers who can offer their skills and promote new ideas. Please offer your time if you are able. The club cannot function without a Committee in place.
Last year’s AGM minutes, this year’s preliminary Agenda and the proposed Constitution update can be downloaded using the links below or from the files area directly (in both cases you will need to login to the website as a member and not just as a subscriber). If you have any problems with these links please let me know and I will attempt to resolve them.
2023 Prelim Agenda
2022 Minutes
Constitution Update
Constitution Update Tracked
Noel Edwards
General Secretary
Filed under: Club News