Gateway Cycling » Club News » BC Update on Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy
BC Update on Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy
Recently received from British Cycling and relevant to all club members as we are an affiliated club:
Over recent months, BC have been conducting a full review of their Transgender and Non-Binary Participation Policy, and now share an update on the progress to date and next steps. This update can be found here.
They have also produced guidance for members and clubs, which can be accessed here.
Please remember that, as a British Cycling member, you can ask any questions or share your views with them by contacting
Full text is available via the links above but the basic club oriented information is as follows:
This is a guidance document created for British Cycling Members and Participants to help provide clarity on queries which have been raised following the suspension of the Policy in April 2022. While wide-ranging, this document may not cover every scenario, and as such any specific questions should be addressed to the British Cycling Compliance team (
British Cycling Code of Conduct
When participating in British Cycling activities, all participants and members are bound by the British Cycling Code of Conduct. All participants must be treated with respect at all times.
British Cycling membership
British Cycling remains committed to the inclusion of transgender and non-binary participants. At this time, any individual can obtain a British Cycling membership. However, whilst the Policy is under review, British Cycling is currently unable to process Full Race Licences for new transgender or non-binary participants.
British Cycling recreation activities and community programmes
All participants have an equal right to participate in British Cycling recreation activities free from discrimination of all kinds. If any participant is subject to discrimination or abuse, they should report this to the British Cycling Compliance department.
Transgender and non-binary participants are encouraged to participate in British Cycling community programmes and other recreational activities, including Breeze, Guided Rides and affiliated Club activities.
Guidance and support for volunteers on language.
Using respectful language is important, however if you are unsure as to how someone would like to be addressed then it is okay to ask.
If mistakes are made, we just need to apologise, correct ourselves and ensure that we use their preferred terms in future.
When speaking to a group of people we would encourage the use of gender-neutral language, such as ‘team’, and avoiding collective gendered language such as ‘lads’, ‘guys’ or ‘ladies’. Gendered language can make lots of people feel uneasy and excluded – not just trans and non-binary people.
Advice for Clubs
As an affiliated British Cycling Club, members of the Club are bound by the British Cycling Code of Conduct, and the Club may also have their own in place. With this in mind, if anything arises on social media or during Club activity, Clubs can contact the British Cycling Compliance team for advice on how to address the matter or to decide what action should be taken.
As a general rule, criticism of policy is fine, but criticism or abuse of individual participants is not.
Filed under: Club News