Gateway Cycling » Club News, Recreation, Road » CIRCULAR RECREATION RIDE – SOUTHEND ON SEA 10th September


Six of us together on the train to Chalkwell, Dave F, Terry W, Hanh L and Frances and Jeff B. Perfect weather to ride along the S o S seafront to Shoebury. Passing the pier, the rides and flashing funfair, it was onward –

Dave guiding us through the ‘pretty route’ of the Garrison estate. Out and along the quiet roads of Barling and Wakering, taking in the flat fields and farms and the ever changing seasons. We circled back to Wakering and the good little ‘Buddies’ café. Outside in the old High Street it was the regular egg bacon and chips along with healthy meat free and veggie options – as always jolly chat as we munched. Replete, we slowly launched ourselves back out through the village, passing the pretty St Nicholas church. Through Shoebury again and the seafront, the target being Rossi’s Ice Cream parlour – to choose which flavour of cornet or tub. Frances took a few snaps here which I hope you can see – which kind of says it all… (Thanx Frances) A hop on the train at Chalkwell, though Terry and I ventured on through Leigh, across the ‘lumpy’ Hadleigh Marshes and the train at Benfleet.

All things considered and in these ever changing times… Thanks to Dave and everyone – for a very enjoyable day out.
Cheers! 🙂

Jon Lane.

Filed under: Club News, Recreation, Road

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