Gateway Cycling » Club News » Wednesday Ride – Meeting Point RA

Wednesday Ride – Meeting Point RA

Philip Baker

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Filed under: Club News

4 Responses to "Wednesday Ride – Meeting Point RA"

  1. Philip Baker Philip Baker says:

    Not sure how My Drive works or even if you can see enough of this to open it. But even if you can’t see it don’t worry it’s there.

  2. robert drake robert drake says:

    sorry Phil ,coulnt open doc, if you did indeed organise a wednesday ride please report on whats app or here.

  3. Philip Baker Philip Baker says:

    Hi Bob,

    Organise a Wednesday ride would be overstating it a bit. A Wednesday ride was available. Frances and Bert turned up to ride. Jon turned up for a chat. A few others waved as they went past. Sadly I was picking someone up from hospital but I should be there next week. So two riders! It’s a start.

    PS. Don’t know how to stop the rest of the RA address hiding behind the border.

  4. robert drake robert drake says:

    Thanks Phil,I am hoping to be able to do at least part of a ride next wednesday so we will see how it goes.Im not sure wether to post a wednesday ride on whats app in advance or wait and see what happens on the day.