Gateway Cycling » Club News » Gateway Cycling and Social Media
Gateway Cycling and Social Media
Following recent issues and outbursts on the club WhatsApp group chat the Committee has received complaints and now considers it necessary to act and provide an appropriate usage statement for the club’s social media to prevent further unfortunate incidents. These guidelines have been advised by British Cycling and are therefore relevant to our being a British Cycling affiliated club. We are sure that you will agree that these guidelines make sense and it is unfortunate that we see a need to publish them.
Members are advised that all Social Media used to communicate between club members in relation to club events should comply with the following:
Be civil, tasteful and relevant.
Do not post messages that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive.
Do not swear.
Do not publicise your, or anyone else’s, personal information, such as contact details. A
Any member found to be in breach of these guidelines will be removed from all Social Media. Persistent use may result in the permanent removal of club membership.
It has been noticed that the use of Social Media is not currently included in the club’s constitution. The committee will therefore be working towards including this within the constitution at the next AGM.
If you have any comments please refer them to the Club Secretary rather than discuss them on Social Media.
Filed under: Club News