Gateway Cycling » Club News » Mid Week Ride 12th September 2018

Mid Week Ride 12th September 2018

From Bob D.

Eleven riders including two ladies,Teresa C and Bettina M at Orsett today. The weather was kind to us as the rain had just fizzled out and remained mostly dry for the rest of the day. John L and myself were soon dropped off the back and continued as a pair as far as the Puddle where John decided to make an early stop, I then soloed out to Upminster and rejoined the loop in Corbetts Tey where I was tempted to make a stop at my favorite cafe in the crematorium but resisted and soloed back to the Puddle to rejoin John just before the faster group arrived off the longer Berwich Ponds loop. We were joined a little later by the walking wounded Vic and Ivan who had arrived by car. After usual chat and eats a fragmented ride home with two regrouping stops at Bulphan Church corner and Orsett. Midweek riding seems pretty popular at the moment we will see if it continues to be when winter arrives.

Bob D.

Chris Garside

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