Gateway Cycling » Club News » AGM reminder 10th May

AGM reminder 10th May

I am writing to remind all our members that the Gateway AGM has been scheduled for Friday 10th May at 7:30.

The agenda for the AGM will follow the usual format and will include a section where any other business can be discussed. If any member would like to raise a matter in any other business, the committee would be grateful if you could submit details in order that we can include the matter on the agenda.

We are having a committee meeting on 15th April when the agenda can be agreed for publication.

Finally, a number of the committee have decided to stand down from their roles and we will therefore be looking for volunteers to step into the roles to enable Gateway Cycling to continue successfully for the next year.

The members standing down are as follows.

Frances Hale (Club Chair)
Dave Retigan (Club Secretary)
Bettina Maccariello (Clothing Secretary)
Charlotte Fonfara (Sport Secretary)

Any members wishing to consider taking on any of these roles can contact the existing officers, who would be more than willing to explain what is involved. Also the committee role descriptions can be found on our club website at Then click on the Home+ box on the top left of the front page and then click on committee.
As a committee, we all believe that the various roles should be shared regularly by the membership to ensure that responsibilities are spread fairly and that the club benefits from new managers who can offer their skills and promote new ideas.

Please offer your time if you are able. The club cannot function without a committee in place.

Chris Garside

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