Gateway Cycling » Club News » Velodrome Trip 10th May
Velodrome Trip 10th May
Thanks to Peter for once again arranging an excellent evening session on Wednesday. The weather was rather overcast and wet but it didn’t affect us in the velodrome.
13 riders and 5 spectators (I think) attended the velodrome for the 2 hour session with an easy introduction to riding the track using fundamental skills such as basic control and safety including stopping and starting, pace judgement, acceleration, slowing down, using the track to speed up and slow down then progressing to riding in a group in a line along the track.
This progressed to riding in a line and changing the front rider either every lap or every half lap as the session progressed. An individual timed sprint lap provided timings and a ranking – needless to say I managed the same position as the December visit i.e. last – with the timings ranging from 18 seconds to my 23 seconds – my legs hurt too much to care greatly by that time 😫.
There was further free riding and we all went as far up the banking as we felt confident and at a pace we could sustain individually.
10 minutes of cool down and then back to the changing rooms and away.
All in all a great afternoon out (or even indoors!).
Filed under: Club News