Gateway Cycling » Club News » Sunday Recreational Ride Report – Sunday 30th May

Sunday Recreational Ride Report – Sunday 30th May

From the start at Blackshots the weather was cloudy but as the day progressed the sun warmed us and we chatted and got to know one another. Our route to Purfleet and Rainham was a well ridden one but a new experience for me was having along cycling friends Terry and Tracey. Terry is a competent and experienced rider, partner Tracey was in her battery powered wheelchair.  Tracey whizzed along with our nice steady pace.

The Thames shoreline was especially delightful, the Mardyke Valley was in full spring green flush with much wildlife all around. Super coffee and eats at the aptly named ‘Delight’ café with as always, much jolly chat. Home along more or less the same route meeting happy walkers and riders, families, kids and dogs.

Jon Lane

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