Gateway Cycling » Club News » Sustrans – Unglamorous Riding

Sustrans – Unglamorous Riding

As you all probably know, long time Club member Dave Fish is our local Sustrans (Sustainable Transport = walking, biking and using public transport … ) Ranger, has published the March to May schedule to clear cycle and footpaths of debris, brambles and boughs which flick or clump us whilst out riding. Smashed glass on paths is perhaps the most anti social of all causing punctures to tyres, cut dog paws and lacerations if you take a tumble landing on the shards. Throughout Thurrock, Dave and his merry band of volunteers clear and clip these hazards and importantly, sweep up the glass. Furthermore he replaces ‘Sustrans’ type signs and nags (he’s good at this!) the Thurrock Council to have repairs done and potholes mended and signs and lines replaced…

So take a look at his schedule of the work dates here: Sustrans Group Schedule March – May 2015 and see if you can go and meet with one or more of the groups, you’ll be made welcome – You can be assured that your time will be well spent – adding, in a small way, to the value of our fellow cyclists, walkers and others.

You know it’s worthwhile – give it a try.

All the best.

Jon Lane.

Rec’ Secretary.

Sustrans is the UK’s leading sustainable transport charity.
Our aim is to encourage people to travel in ways that are both environmentally sustainable and physically healthy.

We are looking for volunteers to become rangers to help us.

In Thurrock we work in partnership with the council and look after the wide network of off- road cycle lanes within the borough.

In addition we arrange local cycle rides, man stalls at local events handing out information about Sustrans and the work that is done both locally and nationally.

We are looking for people who have a few hours a month to spare, who want to make a real difference to the transport facilities within Thurrock. We are a friendly group and all new rangers will be made welcome.

For more information about Sustrans please look at their website or call 0845 113 0065 or contact us locally at

Jon Lane

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