Gateway Cycling » Club News » 2015 Membership Fees

2015 Membership Fees

Hello all

Just a reminder that membership fees for 2015 will be due on 1st January, although these can be paid at any time from today.
The constitution states that membership fees must be paid by the 10th April 2015 club meeting otherwise the membership becomes lapsed, although this in no way precludes later re-joining of the club.

Jeff will be at the January club meeting to take your money, and I will also be there to make sure that our membership records are up to date.
Membership fees can also be paid at any subsequent club meeting, If Jeff or myself aren’t available please see any other member of the committee.

The fees have stayed the same for the last few years and are currently…

£20 Individual membership

£30 Family Membership

£15 2nd Claim Membership

Membership fees can be paid in three ways

1. Pay by cash or cheque at the January meeting.

2. By post, send a cheque (please write your name and address on back), and a completed application form to;

D Currell
58 Erriff Drive
South Ockendon
RM15 5AW

3. Pay by bank transfer to;

Gateway Cycling
Sort code 30-18-34
Account number 01559612

Please include your name as the reference so that your payment can be registered, also when paying by bank transfer please send an email to to advise us that you have paid by this method.

If you have any questions please send them via email to


Dave Currell
General Secretary

Gateway Cycling

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Filed under: Club News

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