Gateway Cycling » Club News » CTC #Funding4Cycling Campaign
CTC #Funding4Cycling Campaign
Please take a moment to read this message from CTC about their #Funding4Cycling campaign and help all cyclists by taking the time to follow the link and complete the form to make your voice heard.
With the party conference season over and Parliament returning to Westminster it is more important than ever for UK cycling to make its voice heard.
We are still waiting for the publication of the Department for Transport’s draft Cycling and Walking Delivery Plan. This document, promised in the wake of 2013’s All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Get Britain Cycling report, has been consistently delayed and is now a year overdue. Despite this, the long awaited draft seems unlikely to include any commitment to the long term funding of at least £10 per head per person needed to create the Prime Minister’s proposed “cycling revolution”.
However, all is not lost! Right now the Treasury is inviting people’s views on what the Chancellor George Osborne should say when he makes his Autumn Statement on 03 December. Time is short though. 17 October is the deadline for submissions, and it is also the time that we expect the draft plan to be unveiled.
CTC will be submitting within the deadline a detailed response to HM Treasury, but you too can play your part. Please make your own voice heard by then and encourage others to do likewise through CTC’s short and sweet #Funding4Cycling campaign at
Cycling in the UK is currently slow puncturing. It needs the financial repair kit of long term consistent funding to make sure the current revolution does not roll to a halt. If we want #space4cycling, we need #funding4cycling too!
Yours sincerely,
Roger Geffen
Campaigns and Policy Director
CTC – the national cycling charity
Filed under: Club News