Gateway Cycling » Club News » Sunday Ride 20th May 2018
Sunday Ride 20th May 2018
In addition to the early group who met at 8 o’clock and headed off to Southend, there was a good turn out of 21 riders on this sunny May Sunday morning. We were fortunate enough to have leaders for 3 groups for the 9.00 O’clock riders, and the pre ride chat that described the expected average speeds was really helpful. The groups left at one minute intervals, which seemed to work well, and the faster group, led by Frankie, headed off past Hanningfield Reservoir to Dees cafe in Hatfield Peverel. The second and third groups led by Bettina and Dawn/Vince, went to Blackmore by different routes. Average speeds were 17, 16 and 14 MPH respectively.
We were in the 3rd group and as the usual cafe in Blackmore was choca block with cyclists we went to Megarry’s tea shop just round the corner as recommended by Dawn. A lovely change and the owner was taking pictures for her facebook page. Obviously we are very photogenic bunch as you can see.
It seemed like the Tour De Essex out on the roads today, in fact I think it was – never seen so many cyclists – we had a great time and hope the other groups did too.
Chris and Tina
Filed under: Club News
Hi Chris, I really enjoyed riding with a club sunday group the first time for some years. A pleasure to meet the younger riders who were all good company and helpful to this oldie on the road.Also I think your write up and photographs are a great addition to the forum and hope others agree. Regards Bob D
Good write up Chris. I think the groups worked well and would hope that we can keep this going.
Hi Bob, I think the Sunday ride went really well. Good bunch of people and I’m pleased you enjoyed it, we certainly did. See you next time.
Chris. A most enjoyable Sunday ride, a little bit different from my usual routes. As said, great company, help and support for one another and sticking together. Good to see some happy snaps here, it brings the ride alive. Nice write up Chris (-: Cheers! to All… Jon.
Its good to see you are doing the three groups again, I will be there next Sunday.